wELcominG eVRYone 2 EnTER my WOrlD

FEel fRee tO SUrf My NEw waVes n CreATe oNe neW PagE OF hOpe n LifE TO thE oPEN woLRD Of BLoggING

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

jz LUV me the way i am

Forgive me for being too troubled,
Forgive me for being too tiring,
Forgive me for being such a loser,
Forgive me for being who I am.

I’m sorry because you have to hate me,
I’m sorry because you have to stay with me,
I’m sorry because you have to hear my voice,
And I’m sorry because I happen to be your daughter.

I’m not asking for your money,
I’m not asking you to die for me,.
I’m just asking for your forgiveness,
I’m just asking for your love.

Please save me from drowning,
Please save me from dying,
Why can’t you accept me for who I am?
I am me,
I am naughty,
I am evil,
I am your daughter,
I have your blood in me,
I am your life.

I love you from the day you give me a life
Expecting nothing in return
Just for you to have a little faith in me.

I will hold on to you,
Your love gives me strength enough to
Just accept me the way i am.

And your forgiveness
That’s all I’m asking for.
These are my confessions.

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